

Parents Business Groups (PBG)

Working with families of the deaf in rural communities in DLU-Eastern (Ngora & Kumi districts), DLU is transforming livelihoods of the deaf, disabled children and those living in poverty – by providing income generating avenues through home-based economic projects. In its 5th Round this year, PBG seven new beneficiaries qualified to receive turkeys and sheep in a revolving system that requires minimal expenditure.

Success stories are proof of the project’s positive impact on the lives of marginalised communities. In 2021 a 19-year-old deaf youth received two sheep which multiplied to 6! Another received 3 turkeys and by the end of that year had a total of 25! Families that perform well can upgrade their livestock to animals of their choice. They generate income as they sell some animals to meet family needs, that include educational provisions for their children.

PBG also brings parents of the deaf together to share experiences and exchange ideas not only about the project, but on many other community issues. Deafness has been demystified, while cultural prejudices towards disability is significantly reducing due to awareness through social interactions. This year PBG expanded to included hearing families living in poverty.

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