Who we are

Deaf Link Uganda (DLU) is a non-government organisation that works to promote the welfare of deaf and hard of hearing people in Uganda.
We operate projects in urban, semi-urban and rural areas providing intervention services that enable deaf and hard of hearing individuals realise and utilise their potentials to become self-reliant citizens capable of contributing to community and national development.
Deaf Link Uganda is committed to overcoming all forms of barriers through supporting inclusive societies that recognise and celebrate deaf people’s diversity.


Contribute to societies that enable Deaf and Hard of hearing people utilize their full potential to lead productive and dignified lives.


Provide educational, economic, social and cultural opportunities to promote the welfare of Deaf and Hard of hearing people in Uganda.

Our Name

Deaf Link Uganda signifies our desire to link deaf and hard of hearing people in Uganda, Africa and the rest of the world, bringing them together as a unified Deaf Community.
Central to our work is our commitment to strengthen links through developing networks with organisations of persons who are deaf, as well as the entire disability movement.

Our Logo

logo DLUShaped in a triangular form, our logo symbolises connections we make with people of the world:
At the top is a Deaf Child rising from a strong, nurturing foundation of love laid by parents, families and community members.
The red arrow encircling the triangle is the link that connects us all as a human race.